canada sucks

okay, i don't get the physical newspaper, so things may be different there, but i went on to the globe and today to see where U20 Canada's famous (at least it should be) victory over brazil was, hoping it would be on the front page as it should be front page news. but was it where it should be? nope. instead, globe and mail's top sports story was the edmonton oilers win against anaheim (that's fair. i'm okay with that). then the next story was that the czech republic is going for gold at the world championships of hockey (and i can understant that too because hockey trumps everything in canada). but the last cover story was that the detroit pistons evened up their series. and that's just crap.
canada's boys scored canada's first two goals in the history of games against brazil, and they beat the southa american giants. that is huge! and they get relegated to the back pages of internet news. is it any wonder we can't get our kids playing soccer at a high level. what's teh incentive. even when they do somethign amazing nobody cares. i shudder to think what the attendance at next years U20 world cup is going to have. I for one hope to get to as many games as i possibly can.