does anyone else find it strange?
I get the sense from Arsenal fans everywhere that nobody really gives a damn that Alex Hleb is probably on his way to Barcelona. Does that strike anyone else? We all gave a damn about Flamini, and I expect that we will care about Adebayor, but nobody is even blinking at the potential loss of Hleb -- despite the fact that he had a decent opening half of last season.
Maybe it is because we haven't forgotten what a useless tit he was the year before (when Henry couldn't stop scowling at him for his shitty passes. Have fun at Camp Nou, Alex). Or maybe because, even at his best last season, Hleb was only ever as good as Ljungberg in his decline. Maybe it's because we're all hoping for Samir Nasri, who has most of Hleb's talent on the ball with the added bonus of being willing to take a shot or two. Or maybe it is just because we won't have to listen to his money grubbing agent inciting Arsene anymore. Or maybe it has something to do with gellato. But it's probably because Hleb is just an average player made to shine by the improvements of Flamini and Fabregas last season, and we know that his departure is the least of our worries.
And, for the record, I am pretty worried; it's just not about Hleb. Sign somebody, Arsene. Please sign somebody.