yesterday and today

yesterday: i was feeling pretty confident. i have to admit. i looked at the state of our team compared to barca and i thought "we match up pretty well." in fact, i think we come out on top in some of the key battles. four defenders won't be able to control henry. gilberto will beat deco in the midfield. if anyone can handle ronaldhino it is eboue. give me mad jens over valdez anyday. and eto'o will get schooled by toure. i went to bed feeling good.
today: i still feel good, but what if arsenal have a bad day? what then? well...if we have a bad day we lose. simple as that. but i am starting to dread tomorrow. if we win it will be one of the greatest days ever; it will make the world cup a mere sideshow. but the stress i'll have during the game will be overwhelming (yet that's part of what makes being a fan so awesome). anyway, today is a write off, i think. all i can concentrate on are the possibilities for tomorrow.
p.s. i hope you are doing better than I, canadian gooner.
i feel your pain bananas - lots at stake here...go arsenal!
thanks, gio. i knew i could count on you!
I haven't yet realized just how fast the game is approaching. Even though the game is played tomorrow it seems like it's still weeks off. I probably won't get too nervous until shortly before kickoff. Perhaps tonight I'll watch the 03/04 season review DVD to remember how dominant Arsenal can be when they are playing their best.
did you just say eboue can handle ronaldinho?! and gilberto will beat deco?!
yeah that will happen. right after peter crouch gets around nesta or a west ham player scores a penalty.
other than that, you do match up pretty well vs. barca..
good luck mate.
i think you underestimate eboue (don't forget that that's what i was thinking yesterday -- not today).
joe cole picks the gunners to win.
sometimes he's a wise boy
oh i forgot - i hope you have somewhere for my gibbled foot to elevate...
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