Where will Co go?

Co Adriaanse always manages to surprise me. Just when i was certain that he was perfectly happy at Porto, he leaves. I do understand that it must be really dissapointing when you aren't able to even get a player like Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink, but still. Co seemed to be so perfectly happy in Portugal and Porto was according to him a "top club".
Of course Porto isn't a top Club. I can't imagine Barcelona, A.C Milan or Chelsea would want Vennegoor of Hesselink even he was given to them for free. And Co isn't a coach for a top team. Co is a turd polisher. Give him a club that is average at best he make it shine again.
Crewe Alexandra, now that would be the perfect club for Co. First he fires the lady that runs the cafeteria, then the groundsman. then he demands that all players take off their earrings, remove their tattoo's and get a jehovah's witness haircut. Three years later, Crewe is playing the UEFA cup semi finals against Lazio Roma. Crewe loses of course. Co get's angry with the journalists who write that Lazio was clearly the better team, since they won both matches with 4-2. Co thinks that that is "score board journalism". The following season he's off to another "top club": Borussia Dortmund. His first purchase: Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink.