does anyone else find it strange?
I get the sense from Arsenal fans everywhere that nobody really gives a damn that Alex Hleb is probably on his way to Barcelona. Does that strike anyone else? We all gave a damn about Flamini, and I expect that we will care about Adebayor, but nobody is even blinking at the potential loss of Hleb -- despite the fact that he had a decent opening half of last season.
Maybe it is because we haven't forgotten what a useless tit he was the year before (when Henry couldn't stop scowling at him for his shitty passes. Have fun at Camp Nou, Alex). Or maybe because, even at his best last season, Hleb was only ever as good as Ljungberg in his decline. Maybe it's because we're all hoping for Samir Nasri, who has most of Hleb's talent on the ball with the added bonus of being willing to take a shot or two. Or maybe it is just because we won't have to listen to his money grubbing agent inciting Arsene anymore. Or maybe it has something to do with gellato. But it's probably because Hleb is just an average player made to shine by the improvements of Flamini and Fabregas last season, and we know that his departure is the least of our worries.
And, for the record, I am pretty worried; it's just not about Hleb. Sign somebody, Arsene. Please sign somebody.
I am concerned about Hleb leaving, but it kind of seems inevitable. I think I have to stop following the English newspapers during the offseason. Right now every morning I just get pissed off about how little player contracts mean in football. Why bother signing anybody to more than a one year contract when they can force their way off of the team whenever they want more money? The good thing about Hleb is that I don't think he'll be that difficult to replace. Of course, even if he stayed we needed to pick up at least one more wing player to get some depth there. Now we need at least two (plus some cover at defence - another Sagna or two would be nice). Hopefully Nasri eventually will agree to his contract.
Flamini leaving hurt, but in that case I'm just pissed off at the player himself. Not because he chose to go play for Milan, but more because he keeps making stupid comments. My favourite was his idea that if Arsenal had offered him the contract before the season started he would have signed. That is all well and good, but coming into the season he had done nothing to earn a large contract. And of course, it's not about the money. It's about playing for "a big team" - in the UEFA Cup next season. On the plus side we do seem to have a ton of players available for the holding midfield role, so hopefully somebody can grab the spot and hold on like Flamini did this season.
Adebayor leaving is the one that would hurt badly. That type of striker is a rare commodity. While we have a ton of strikers in the squad now, I don't believe any of them even come close to the big guy. I'm intrigued to see how Arsene manages to keep Adebayor, van Persie, Eduardo, Bendtner, Walcott and Vela happy. There doesn't seem to be enough playing time available to satisfy all of them. Of course, van Persie will likely get injured after a few weeks which will clear up some of the congestion.
In Arsene we trust. But it sure would be nice to sign a few players.
and lately there has been total silence on the hleb transfer, and lots of weirdness about nasri. i wonder what's going on there.
i am oddly not at all worried about adebayor leaving if he does. i'd like him to stay, but striking isn't a department that worries me with vela getting his crack and walcott looking more and more like he's moving forward.
i'm with you, though, reading english papers in the off-season is aggravating. but i can't help myself.
ok - i'm back online...and not totally up to snuff on arsenal but just wanted to let you know...i'm blogging again.
by the way...i read alot about hleb slamming fabregas saying he's a selfish player...doh!
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