jose antonio reyes
there's this smug look that reyes gets whenever he's taken down -- and i love it. i've seen most of the arsenal games i could this year and every time i've watched he's been the target of defender mayhem with very little to show for it -- no cards and very few fouls.

reyes #9

he's had a tough year, our reyes, but that does nothing to take away my appreciation for him. he's had a tough second half of the season, he's been the target of radio practical jokes, he's been homesick, he's had a hard time getting used to the much colder english weather and it's all forgiveable when i see those moments of brilliance that he brings to the game. and he's only twenty-one. he's going to be a football god.
arsenal v. chelsea
a nil - nil tie in the big match yesterday puts chelsea in the official driver's seat for the championship.
it was a great game. no goals, of course, but a great game nonetheless. arsenal gave chelsea the hardest match they've had to play in a couple of months, and the gunners are the only team this year to go undefeated against chelsea. and we did it without henry, ljundberg, campbell and edu (although the latter two were on the bench).
meanwhile, man utd lost to the toffies. bwahahahaha!