fractured skulls are bad

I was only able to see the blow to Petr Cech's head on Fox Sports World report, and their focus was on the actual contact and nothing else. I wasn't able to see Stephen Hunt's face before or after the blow, and that certainly would have helped understand his motive -- which is important here to some extent. If Hunt was acting focused on the ball and mistimed things his transgression is significantly less nasty. If he was acting maliciously somthing serious must be done.
I had a fractured skull when I was 2 1/2 years old (I know, I know, that explains a lot), and I had to wear a helmet everywhere for 6 months while my skull reknit. Babies bones are still growing fast, and the natural repair to them is much quicker than for an adult. And I didn't have to have surgery like Cech did today. What I'm saying is that no one should expect Cech back this year, and it may be longer. In fact, it may be never. I don't know how a keeper can come back from this injury -- even if his brain damage (and he's going to have some) doesn't effect his skills. Keepers must be fearless, and I can't see him ever being as fearless as he was before. Moreover, Cech simply won't have the luxury of easing into his spot like Gilberto Silva did after he cracked his spine. If you're an outfielder you can hide behind the other players, and you can always sub in for short periods until you're truly ready to start. If you're a keeper you don't have that luxury.
This could be the end for Petr Cech. That makes me sad.
So back to Stephen Hunt. Regardless of his motive the FA is going to have to fine and suspend the boy. They have to set some precedent and protect the keeper in some way. Even if it is a freak accident and Hunt is innocent of any "wrongdoing," they must take this seriously. They need to take it seriously for Petr Cech's sake, they need to take it seriously for the fans sake, they need to take it seriously for the sake of kids who play the game, and they need to make sure that Mourihno has nothing to complain about.
But if they find that it was malicious (sidebar: i want to mention that if Mourihno is right and Hunt laughed after the fact, it is not proof enough. Some people laugh when they are uncomfortable and that could be what happened here. I know. I broke a girls nose playing softball once and I started giggling with nervous energy. It almost caused a bench clearing brawl, but what I did was not at all intentional), if they find that it was malicious, the FA is going to have to take true action and ban Hunt for life. If they find that he was intending to hurt Cech he has to go. And he'll be damn lucky if criminal charges aren't brought against him. This is going to be right up there with Bertuzzi in hockey.
I sure hope it was just a mistake. Get well Petr Cech. Even fans of some other teams are going to miss you.
For anybody hasn't seen the incident yet, here are some videos.
"Live " footage
Replay 1
Replay 2
Cudicini injury
It's tough to tell intent from the incident itself which is going to make any suspension difficult. To me it appears that Hunt did try to hit Cech (he drops his knee towards Cech's head when there doesn't seem to be any reason for it), but I would read it as more equivalent to a player 'accidentally' stepping on a goalkeeper's foot before a corner kick is taken than as an equivalent to the Bertuzzi situation (which was premeditated and away from the play). Due to the severity of the injury I suspect the EPL will give Hunt a token suspension (probably 3-5 games) just to show that they did something. If anybody knows of a more complete video of the incident which shows Hunt before/after the injury, please post a link.
Regardless, I wish a successful recovery and return to health for Peter Cech (and Carlo Cudicini). Hopefully they both make a full recovery and return to being amongst the elite keepers in the game.
good point about bertuzzi
man, i don't know what we're going to do on Wednesday....barca is going to kill us
i hope both keepers are ok. its weird though, i thought cudicini's injury would be the most severe. but cech...that just scares the living daylights outta me
good on terry for jumping in
hey, mad jens has jumped on board saying goalkeepers could be left in a "wheelchair" if they are not given more protection.
Click here to read the article.
mad jens rules.
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