the enemies of football

what was the punishment doaled out to the assholes who did this to anders frisk last year? which was another incident sparked by jose's conviction that the world is out to get chelsea. what a joke.
"I don't know if life is shit because Arsenal is shit, or the other way around." ~~ Nick Hornby, Fever Pitch
i'm the last person to believe in conspiracy theories but 2 games v. Barca, 2 red cards, both 1st legs. what are the odds?
i don't think we'll know how it feels until it happens to our teams. (knock wood)
although death threats are WAY to extreme.
definitely knock wood. but i know if arsenal had this happen, which they have had this year in their games against bolton (luckily it wasn't europe), i wouldn't be sending death threats to the ref -- even if gallagher is a fucking idiot.
interesting that you mention the red card from last time. when gio and i were watching the game we talked about what happened last time and i think it has a bearing on this time. let's face it, refs are just people, and moanihno's behavior with frisk last time was appalling. and then, before this fixture even happens, he's already calling into question the veracity of the refs. i know i were a ref and heard this going in i'd have an awfully hard time ignoring the comments, and i'd likely be extra hard on chelsea, within the confines of the laws of the game, than i would be normally.
by the way, the "enemies of football" is a quote from fifa president sepp blatter, made last year after the death threats on anders frisk.
i don't think we can fully comprehend the animosity or the passion behind the hooliganism that is apparently still running rampant throughout UK football. i can't image the average footie fan calling up a ref and yelling out death threats (or if they do, they certainly wouldn't actually follow through). i'm guessing its a chelsea firm that would be behind it...but i don't think jose can fully be responsible for the threats.
who's to say that the calls wouldn't have happened if jose didn't say anything - we'll never know. its like the arguement that video game players who play violent games become violent people. do you blame the game makers or the person's inability to reason rationally (maybe its a bad example, but i'm struggling to find one that i can justly explain)
what the problem is, is that jose is the only manager to be so extremely vocal about his displeasure with the refs. but if jose were managing arsenal or inter milan, how would you feel about it (and be honest here)?
i like chelsea, and most of the time i like jose. i don't agree with everything he does, and sometimes i downright hate him, but we get information from so many third party voices, that when it comes to what i read, i ALWAYS read it with a grain of salt. part lies mixed with part truth and part perspective.
i don't think there is a conspiracy towards chelsea, but more along the lines of what brad had mentioned - if a manager pisses off a ref, what better way to get back at him than by being harder on the team when it counts most?
being honest here, and gio already knows the answer, i would LOVE jose if he was my manager. and i think he does a great job. i even love some of the things he does now. but mostly i hate him.
i'd also love robben if he were playing on my team, but, since he's not, i just think he's a fucker.
we love, we hate him, and he's what makes footie so much fun...
and now its back to the EPL and i'm intending on watching my beloved chelsea kick portsmouth's ass saturday morning.
i hope my beloved plays...
is it just me or does moanhino look like one of the wicked witch of the west's castle guards in this shot?
he looks pretty nasty here for a normally handsome fellah. its like he's smelling something very very foul. :)
its definitely not one of his better moments captured on film. but then again, no one can be as photogenic as ljundberg.
you surely know the way to my loins
the important question here is, how can you like Inter?
i would slide tackle my mother like Gattuso before i cheer for Inter.
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