a modest matternazzi
don't blame matternazzi. it's not his fault that zinedine zidane was sent off.

the truth is that the romans, or the italians as they are now called, are superior to all comers. the most superior in the world. just look at the facts: they killed the savior; they had an empire that lasted almost fifteen hundred years; they have the most beautiful women, great film, great literature, great food and everything that makes a civilization civilized; and they are the most beautiful players of the beautiful game.
tonight's battle between france and italy was a crusade; it was a battle between a team led by a filthy wog and a team of righteous catholics. no matter what matternazzi said, no matter how horrible, no matter how loudly the french call "racism", the fact is that zidane showed his brethren's classic overreaction to insult. a civilized christian would turn the other cheek to insult, but infidels always show their true colours with a violent retalitation.

your career will forever live in ignominy zidane...unless you apologize to matternazzi. maybe then you will find some forgiveness. until then, you are just a dirty wog who couldn't keep his head when his superiors put him in his place.
too bad you had to cheapen italy's positive and righteous victory.
i a girl loves soccer and is y dream to be a professional soccer player!
i a boy loves crack and is y dream to be a professional crack smoker!
the word of the day today is: satire. tomorrow: sarcasm, maybe?
italy won because domenech can't hold a candle to lippi's coaching and tactics. they also won because barthez couldn't guess right on a penalty shot if he had a lacrosse net behind him.
i loved how the french fans whistled the italians seconds after the match resumed following that red card, not knowing what materazzi said. if anyone is always righteous, it is zidane in the eyes of all french fans. what!? zidane overreact?! impossible, even after that infamous leg stomp.
all in all, i'm happy Italy won for 3 reasons.
1. we lost to the champions, no shame in that.
2. they beat germany IN germany!
3. it was for pessottino.
good final, but all in all boring tournament.
on a side note, i now expect ukraine to miss out on Euro 2008 seeing as how we're in a group with not one, but TWO finalists. shit!
italy won because trezeguet hit the crossbar. no other reason. lippi's tactics have nothing to do with a penalty shoot out. you might also recall, taras, that buffon never guessed correctly either. hardly an intelligent commentary on barthez's goalkeeping when buffon can do no better himself.
While neither keeper made a save in the shootout I suspect Barthez wouldn't have made one no matter how long it went. He simply is not in the same class as Buffon, nor is he anywhere near as tall which certainly makes a difference in the shootout.
And Domenach's strategy was questionable at best. Why would you take Henry out of the game in the second half of extra time? He has always been an excellent penalty taker and was providing most the chances for France, so of course he gets replaced with Wiltord (who ended up scoring in the shootout anyway). At the end of the day though Trezeguet would have been taking one of the kicks regardless of whether or not Zidane was still in the game, so unless you think Zidane's presence would have led to a goal in the last 10 minutes of extra time or if he would have somehow calmed Trezeguet enough to hit the net with his shot, Italy would have won regardless. I'm not happy that Italy won, but the result was fair.
On to South Africa! Canada's hopes of World Cup glory are alive again and won't be extinguished for another couple of years.
i'm not at all suggesting that the result was unfair. italy won and they won fairly. and zidane being on the pitch would only have had an intangible mental effect, but that's impossible to really gauge. and it doesn't change the fact that while zidane's red card was deserved and he should have left the pitch, materazzi is a scumbag for pulling that kind of shit. and if it is confirmed by zidane, and not just his agent, that materazzi made a racist comment, FIFA needs to do an investigation.
back to the game. the simple fact is that buffon didn't make any right choices either, and that in that penalty shoot out he was not better or worse than barthez. is he better all around? absolutely, but in the moment he wasn't and unless we saw one of them make a save we can't know who would have been better in the shootout. and barthez's shortness would be irrelevant as soon as a shot was misplaced. there are too many factors to know. but what we do know is that italy won because trezeguet hit the post, and neither goalkeeper stopped anything.
as much as it pains me to admit it, i suppose you guys are right that it is lippi's tactics that won the game, although the tactics are disgusting. france outplayed italy from the thirtieth minute on, and italy played ugly, negative football. but it worked. so good on lippi.
I found it to be an disappointing world cup. A Dutch journalist hit it right on the nail when he said that football is being coached to death. The playing systems have been so refined, so perfected, that there is very little room for a game that is really appealing for the neutral viewer.
For me the biggest surprise was Germany, who improved immensely during the tournament. I have seen them play against the Dutch a few months ago and they weren't a shadow of the team that claimed the third place.
The Dutch made it one round further than i expected and i can't say that i'm happy about it. If this is the kind of football that the orange men will be playing in the future, i rather have them not qualify at all.
A big disappointment to me was the early retreat of the Argentineans and the fact that Messi didn't get the chance to shine. And i missed crazy Maradonna on the stands after the quarter final.
My sympathy goes out to both Van Nistelrooy and Henry. Both were used in a role were they don't thrive very well. Van Nistelrooy hard got any useful balls and the match against Portugal shows that Van Basten would have been wiser using his only top striker better than replacing him with someone like Kuyt.
I'm not really familiar with Henry, since i'm not a big follower of the premier league, but he doesn't strike me as a pure number 9. He is more of a number 10, an supporting attacker (Bergkamp!) who creates his own chances and space for others from the edge of the box. If the French had a striker pur sang who was able to work with Henry, they would have scored a lot more.
And am i the only one who was about annoyed as hell with the refereeing and the rain of cards that only ended at the semi-finals (with two great games as a result)?
And that get's me to next point. Why do we have to put up with a guy like Sepp Blatter? Well, i do know why, but i really wish we could get rid of the guy. He doesn't know shit from shino when it comes to football and does more harm than good to the game.
Do i have more to moan about, apart from the fact that need to get rid of the bowling shoes and circus balls? I don't think so.
Big thanks to Zidane who brought the most flavour to this tournament. His resurrection and self inflicted annihilation will be muse for writers for years to come.
For that i'm thankfull and pissed off at the same time.
Ah the gossip is starting off.
According to Brazillean lip-readers (does that make sense?), Materazzi was insulting Zidan's sister. He called her a whore.
The lip-readers told this fascinating story in the Brazillian telvision show 'Fantastico' which is aired from a the TV station 'Globo'.
And after informing you that i got this from the newspaper Algemeen Dagblad (http://www.ad.nl/wkvoetbal/article461889.ece),
I think i added enough BS to todays bucket.
whatever was said, zidane should have held his temper. to brand matternazzi a racist is like branding pretty much any footie player one - they all do the same. i'd put money on it. so zidane got what he deserved - whether or not FIFA decide to do anything about matternazzi is questionable.
i too think that zidane's exit did nothing to affect the game. france dominated in ball handling throughout most of the second half, even after zidane's exit. i think france worked harder on the offensive, but italy's defensive was rock solid. it was just too bad they played such a defensive game.
as for me, i would have been happy either way (france or italy), but what it boils down to for me is that it wasn't England...
Hold on. Zidane showed great restraint in only head butting Matternazzi. To physically stop turn around and decide to plant him into the ground was brilliant. Knowing fully it was his last game and what was at stake took courage. He did something that some of us, yes some of us not all would have loved to do. It was emotion at the highest level. At that moment there were no countries involved just two people. I like the guy who was left standing!
i think buffon made trezeguet hit the crossbar, just like he made zidane try that chip shot in the final. and i don't think i'm the only one who thinks that french players were alot more nervous in the PK stage than the italian players were. i agree with brian 100% about buffon being a much better keeper than barthez during the shootout with his presence alone.
as far as zidane, i don't think we should approach it as if anything is concrete. no one but zidane and materrazzi know what was said.
what i can speculate on is, zidane distaste for italian national team, which was obvious back in euro 2000. i can also assume that zidane was frustrated, especially after that incredible save buffon made after hsi header and most of all, knowing it was his last game, he wanted to go out with a bang and a hero, as he succeeded in the eyes of the french.
but if the vancouver canuck fans supported bertuzzi after moore's spine damaged his glove, why should this be any different?
don't get me wrong, i'm not branding zidane as a goon (like bertuzzi) - he did what he did in the heat of the moment. he was really pissed off, and yes, he ended his carreer with a bang and being a hero (fortunately - i wasn't sure how his fans would react, and thankfully, they remain worshipping him). its not like you can disregard his history because of one moment in time.
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