why i hate brazil

here's a post to answer canadian gooner's query. these are the reasons i hate brazil. all of them are personal, to some extent, and some are purely emotional, but they are the reasons and there are plenty of them:
their 5 stars -- they've won five world cups, and my very makeup rails against the overdog. i am not always required to appreciate the underdog, but the overdog -- the yankees, the canadiens, the lakers, and all historically dominant sports teams (barring the oilers, which i can defend but have no reason to here) -- force bile into my throat.
their ego -- and part of that bile comes from the egos that necessarily develop around that "greatness". i read a lot of soccer mags, and the first thing i do every day is read the soccer websites, and i've seen a lot of interviews with the current crop of brazilians. only two of them show any humility and ronaldhino is not one of them. of those whose interviews i've read, only juninho and gilberto silva see themselves as working parts of an exceptional team -- the rest consider themselves gods among mortals. and maybe they are. but carrying that attitude around the footballing world and shoving it into the faces of everyone is no different and no less vexing than the world's only "superpower" doing the same politically. adriano is called the emperor and believes it; ronaldo pissed off raul so badly on real madrid, saying "i score goals. i don't need to run," that they don't talk anymore; ronaldinho has bought into the idea that he's the greatest ever and is only capable of admitting that some other players are good; cafu is the captain of the gang and feeds their egos by continuing to mystify their greatness when he talks; kaka considers his abilities "magical"; and roberto carlos figures he's the best left back who ever lived, let alone in the world.
their luck -- the other thing that pisses me off is that they are lucky. sure they pound on crap teams on a regular basis, and even simply good teams, but they usually find a way to win against really good teams, squeaking out one goal wins, and that is often done with a stroke of crazy luck. good on them, certainly, for taking the risks that lead to the luck. that is admirable. but it is frustrating when your team falls because of their luck -- and that clearly adds to my disdain for them.
their whining & diving-- i will admit straight out that they aren't the biggest footballing nation of whiners in the world, but they are the ONE nation that has both no cause and no need to whine or dive. and it's the way they whine and dive. lots of teams are theatrical and that's annoying (and the brazilians aren't the most theatrical), but the way they complain one would think they were trinidad and tobago, a crap team having their job made even more difficult by horrible calls. and in damn near every game i've seen the calls and the benefit of the doubt go their way. moreover, a different standard is set for brazils whining than for everyone else. you all know i hate england, but consider this: ronaldo complained to the ref at half time during the france game, contesting a perfectly valid yellow card, all the way back to the tunnel. does anyone think that if that had been rooney he wouldn't have been shown a red card immediately? because they are brazil their whining and diving get them further than anyone else (except maybe italy). and that is impossible for me to admire or like.
les bleus -- and on a completely personal level, brazil was set up to be my villains right from the start because it was the 1998 World Cup and les Bleus that brought me back to football. and whoever played les Bleus in the final were doomed in my eyes for all time.
so there you have it. i probably forgot some reasons. i am sure that gio can add a couple. but that is why i hate brazil.
Thanks for the explanation. All of those are very reasonable arguments. I don't agree with all of them but that's life.
And as far as why you cheer for the Oilers, I just assumed you enjoy the suffering (sort of like a Cubs fan) ;)
I have learned quickly that the passion of football is so much greater than the passion for hockey. With football the beast lives and breathes all year long. As when summer strikes hockey stops until you realize it is fall and hockey is starting. You have countries that battle from across the planet. There are no boarders no limitations they all can join. Thus the passion and the hattered grows even stronger. Fucking Cool!
you forgot:
the one name moniker - they are the 'cher', 'madonna' and 'prince's' of the football world. give me a frickin' break. their arrogance is stifling, and it begins with their names (before they even get on the pitch)
helping the refs card - i thought that was supposed to be poo-pooed at the world cup, but they tend to help the refs card other teams
my own personal reason - playing Chelsea during the champions league and Ronaldhino saying that the blues were no competition, and once Barca knocks them out, no one will even remember who they were.
fuck you
I'm wondering how you will feel about Portugal after the next match.
I'm sorry to say that i can't share your feelings regarding Brazil. I love their football and their football culture. A shame that they were shite this tournament.
Italy - France should be a fantastic final. Best of luck.
I am sure there's quite a few of us who cannot stand these arrogant pricks and their nasty shenanigans. Brazil sucks. My dream is that Brazil gets nuked several times and obliterated from the map of the world.
sO MUCH JEALOUSY. Just cause they kick most asses on World Cups mean they should die and be banished from this world?
Wow, you guys judge people fast, meaning you are just seeing a little part of the Brazilians.They have a lot of brilliant things, like culture. If Brazil had gotten out of the map, the Amazon forest wouldn´t be here and you would all DIE. They also have the biggest, potable underground water supply of the WORLD, so dont BEG for mercy when you all need some in the future.
Have a nice day!
fuck you USA
the only arrogant you are, and the only thing that you see in Brazil is the shit football, carnival and women, nothing more. the arrogance of the U.S. is the worst with the blockade of Cuba and temper with Russia, and Vietnam War, much meaningless fight with a country just because you think of the people. Ahh and they won, rsrsrsrs, only because it is''socialist''. What an idiot, think a bit to say that Brazil is arrogant because of football you are arrogant at all, just because it is the richest country in the world, only you two are going down with the global crisis. think well who is arrogant in history.
Ah, Brazil is not so good in football, only play for money not for the country as before.
forgot one thing!
I AM BRAZILIAN, with much pride, with much love.
NOW WE WERE Arrogant.
That's funnt ya say we were lucky?
Well... that's a lame excuse for imcompetence lol.
If we win against "good teams" i guess these teams ain't so good after all.
And by crying out loud! You hate Brazil for such SILLY REASONS, screw you fag! >_>
I'm brazilian...n i don't really like of this damn country, coz for the stupid Carnival, bitches, prostitutes, the ridiculous and annoying "Samba n MPB" that's garbage...
Do not speak ill of you because Brazil is Brazilian and not even live here and not put food on our table and not pay our bills and we give a damn who does not like Brazil
To all the suckas that hate is Brazilian music. just try to feel the music, there is no perfect parents, because there is no perfection.
And Brazil is not only women, football and Amazon. As a Brazilian I love my parents and especially the life that exists here, this is the proof that love the music of Brazil, even like the music world including the U.S., I admire Michael Jackson for his talent and his sense of humanity.
Watch this video to prove that Brazil also has a culture, as well as in the U.S., do not be controlled by the HODIE you, it does not lead to anything.
Brazil is a shit hole. I'm Brazilian and I what I'm talking about.
Here in this fucking country most of people live like animals. We have favelas (slums) growing in everywhere, specialy in big citis like Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Brazilian people are pigs, because they throw garbage on the street all the time, and because of that, the cities are dirty as hell and evey years we have flood, when many people lose their houses and their cars.
If you guys want to go to Brazil to see the Soccer World Cup, is better to watch this video first:
Vejam o Neymar e PAREM de criticar o Ronaldinho! Now in your's language. We play soccer very well but like the other said: we play for money not for love of our country...
This Ronaldinho don't even CARE with his tema GREMIO, that is playing DUMB! He only cares with Money! I am a brazilian and i think that the Soccer world cup must not come here...people dont have HOUSES, much of them live in SLUMS, they don't have sense of what is good for the country, i do love my country but the governement is a SHAME! THATS FOR YOU DILMA! Samba is very good, but pagode is...i cannot explain...its horrible! The group of EXALTASAMBA must cease of exist!
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