Sunday, January 15, 2006

the gay factor: the rules

hey beautiful game fans: in honor of giovanna i am starting the gay factor. a rating of the gayness of our favorite or not so favorite footballers. if you wanna add one all you've gotta do is find a picture, tell us what makes them so gay and provide a rating from 1 - 10. the scale runs a bit like this: one = metrosexual; 5 = bisexual; 10 = gaylord.

i will open this wonderful new feature tomorrow with the man you see to the left.


At 10:04 PM, Blogger Giovanna said...

he's beyond gaylord, he's a flaming homosexual (not that there's anything wrong with that). but seriously, have you seen the 'man' run?

At 9:20 AM, Blogger Mateo said...

A big Mo. Look at the mans salad! Gio I have not seen the man run but I trust you....

At 11:42 PM, Blogger bananas said...

well, there's really no need to write a whole piece about arjen robben, our first official gaylord. he does get the full ten points (after all, gio, there needs to be some kind of limit). his run, his bad hair, and his bitchiness make him as flaming as they come.

At 3:20 PM, Blogger Giovanna said...

so does his unfasionably styled receding hair line

At 5:14 PM, Blogger taras said...

Bradley, thanks for the link, hopefully I am not an intruder.

These posts are funny, and as much as I agree with Robben being a gaylord, his penguin like running style got NOTHING on my man (and I use the term "man" loosely) Francisco Gallardo.

If Robben is a 10 on the gay chart, Gallardo's "celebration" with Reyes is in another dimension. His gay measurement is so high, it's not a number, it's a sound.

And no, I will not post a picture.


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