Sunday, February 11, 2007

pissy henry

the commentators during the match were critical of henry's little moment with chris kirkland (pictured above), but i loved it. fair comment, i say. and i'm glad someone did it. my real regrets were over henry's blatant dive in the box early on, and mad jens' silly antics, which got him a yellow (but i think that was on purpose. almunia was always playing the carling cup, so why not serve your suspension when you are already scheduled to sit? i wouldn't doubt that was planned before the game ever started). note to all teams playing arsenal: don't time waste. that is a sure way to lose. if you want to beat arsenal you must fight them right to the last gasp, like fulham and sheffield.


At 10:23 AM, Blogger CanadianGooner said...

There is no doubt at all in my mind that Jens was looking to get that yellow. It would have been hard to make it more obvious that he was wasting time. I'm kind of curious as to why his suspension will be for the Carling Cup final instead of the FA Cup replay with Bolton which is our next domestic game, but it doesn't really matter either way. Wenger has always been clear that the backup keeper handles all domestic cup games. And we all know that Jens wasn't going to make it through the last 12 games without a yellow card :)

And as far as Henry taunting Kirkland, I think Wigan deserved it. They started wasting time from the moment they took the lead in the first half. I just wish the refs would be quicker to pull out the cards for time wasting.

At 3:13 PM, Blogger Giovanna said...

i miss football...but i'm meeting interesting foreigners in houston. some arsenal fans....and some crazy italians!

At 7:16 PM, Blogger bananas said...

sweet. lucky girl


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